Technical Information


Dania supplies machine moulded components in grey iron and nodular iron with weights from 0.5 to 60 kg,  preferably complex and core intensive castings.


Machining allowances
The normal machining allowances on all items are minimum 2,5 mm.


MAT Dania manufactures series produced castings on

  • 1 Disamatik 230B (flask size 650 x 535 mm)
  • 1 Disamatic 2013 (flask size 600 x 480 mm)
  • 1  HWS Seiatsu-system (mould size 750 x 550 x (300/300) mm)


Casting tolerances

For machine casting the tolerances are as specified in ISO 8062 CT8 – CT10.

Mismatch and shrinkage allowance are included in the tolerances.


Pattern draft specification

Drafts are not included in the casting tolerances. Important to specify where the draft shall be located in relation to the drawing dimensions.


If you want further information, please contact us by phone no. +45 9862 1911 or by e-mail.

CONTACT US TODAY +45 98 62 19 11

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